My First Tech Conference Post-Bootcamp

Sarah Morris O’Keefe
4 min readFeb 11, 2019

PyTennessee is a conference held in Nashville, TN for Python developers and those currently learning the language. Though I’ve only been writing and developing with Python for 4 months in my current job, I had a fantastic experience at this welcoming and open-minded conference, and highly suggest you try to attend if you’re interested.

As a female in the industry, it’s generally (blatantly) obvious that I’m part of the minority. This was at the forefront of my mind as I was gearing up for PyTN throughout the week. After talking to a few “seasoned professionals” at the conference it became apparent that the overall theme of this conference was different from others; the code of conduct was thoroughly discussed and the PyTN Chair’s phone number was written on every whiteboard in the building, to encourage everyone to speak up when they see something.

With that being said — I never felt insecure or overwhelmed because of my gender. I, of course, felt outnumbered. However, that’s something that will continue to dissipate as the tech industry gets more and more diverse. I was consistently bombarded with new information and new faces and new ideas and new systems. I found that my favorite…



Sarah Morris O’Keefe

Software Engineer @ iHeartRadio // Writing + Tech + Music + Mindfulness + Reading + Gaming //